+1 (301)744-8235

Here are answers to the most common questions people ask us. If you don’t find answer to your question, please contact us.

Data in our hyper matrix is sourced from: downloads of publicly available datasets in various formats, data pulls of public data repositories through available APIs and aggregation of result from our web crawlers. For private datasets, our users securely submit data to us to be indexed for their private use.

We do an effort update public datasets as they become available on public repository or as found in our crawler result. User must submit new data version for their private dataset as they chose.

We do our best to collect and process the latest and most accurate as possible data. However we do not control sourcing of public datasets, we cannot guarantee to always be correct. We invite users to point any inaccuracy they see in our data anytime to help us get better.

Your record credit is the maximum number of rows you can download at anytime. To get record credit click the "Buy Credit" button, it adds up. The system will decrease that number by the rows you download each time you do so.

No, your record credit will never expire, it’s yours, you've paid for it, use it when you need to download data from DataRake.

There's no limit to how much data you can download from DataRake, you are free to slice and dice data through search as you want. However for technical reasons, we limit the amount of data you can download at once to around 50,000 rows.

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